Running towards a goal
I was three glasses into a bottle of red wine one night in early February and feeling sorry for myself which had become a common theme. Instead of planning my husband’s birthday party which was looming in the next few weeks, I jumped on my laptop and decided to sign up for my first marathon. I tipsily typed in my credit card information and clicked register. When I found the email confirmation in my inbox the next day, I immediately thought “oh sh**, what did I just do?” It's not like I wasn’t a runner. I had completed a half marathon in 2014, but then my parents had been involved in a motorcycle accident. I lost my dad and nearly lost my mom too. Life, especially my training life, came to a screeching halt. I spent most of my time working and visiting my mother and the rest tending to her financial affairs and medical paperwork. Home became just a place to sleep; I couldn't even be bothered to cook dinner for my husband and me. If...