I can't spell

I write for a living so its kind of, no, its really embarrassing that I can't spell. See, just in that last sentence, I'm not completely sure I spelled embarrassing right. My father is an atrocious speller. He won't even write out a check for the fear of spelling some one's name wrong and looking like a fool. I don't quite take it to that level, but I get nasty looks on a daily basis for the typos that I leave laying around. Spell check has always been my friend, but that type of back stabbing friend who will always sell me down the river. When I was young the only computer in my house was a Tandy 1000, about one step up from a Brother word processor. Instead of going through a document and spell checking every word after the fact, all my archaic computer could do was beep when you spelled a word wrong. Even worse, it would not tell you the correct spelling so you had to look the word up in a dictionary. And I was always lazy so I would leave those misspellings in my work and then just get docked a grade or two. Is there a direct correlation between bad spelling and laziness? I wonder. (P.S. I just spell checked this post and it says I didn't spell anything wrong ... what is your game spell check? What is your evil game?)


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