Beach Ready

Its that time of year again.  Short sleeves, short shorts and of course, bathing suits.  I can't even check out at the grocery store or the pharmacy without being bombarded by magazines that advertise tips on how to get my body "beach ready."  Frankly, I love the change in weather, but I hate the fact that it requires showing more skin.

Maybe its because when I step into the sun, my pale, white skin catches on fire, or maybe its the fact that like most women, I'm self-conscious about my body.  Remember all the flack that Jennifer Love Hewitt caught for traipsing around in a two piece with a not-so beach ready physique, or when Tyra Banks was ridiculed for losing her supermodel figure?  The pressure is on everyone.  And while all of us don't have the shutter lenses of the paparazzi to worry about, its hard not to hold yourself up to a certain standard.

In two weeks, I'll be on the beach in Cape Cod and I'll be wearing a two piece, probably with a shirt over it.  I'll sit in the warm sunshine, smelling the salty air, listening to the sound of the crashing waves, digging my toes into the sand, and reading a good book.

So to US Weekly, Women's Health, Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home Journal, Self and all the other magazines that keep reminding me that its beach season ... I may not have the rock hard abs you touted, but I'm ready for the beach.  


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