I may be crazy ...

I have been good all year long with my workout routine.  I make sure to exercise at least 30 minutes a day at least 4 times a week and on good weeks, it might be every day.  I've really taken to running outside, just me and my iPod.  I have even participated in a couple of 5k races but I'm not sure if I'm ready for what I'm about to do this weekend.

On Saturday, October 29th, two of my closest friends and I are going to participate as a relay team in the Men's Health Urbanathlon in New York City.  Its a nine mile course chock full of urban obstacles, like taxi cabs parked bumper to bumper, police barricades, walls of stacked up tires and buses that racers have to climb over.

Racers climb over a bus during the Men's Health Urbanathlon in Chicago.
I don't know why I'm so nervous.  Most participants are running the entire 9 mile course by themselves.  I'm splitting up the course with two other people and in fact, I get the shortest leg.  Its only 2.1 miles but my obstacle will be to climb the stairs at Arthur Ash Stadium.

Racers run up and down the steps at the Men's Health Urbanathlon in Chicago.
I hope my knees are up to the task!  Mostly I'm just nervous because I hate the pre-race jitters.  I ran track in  high school and no matter what race I was running, I still got that queasy feeling at the pit of my stomach right before the starting gun fired.  Running a race is a singular task, it is not a team effort.  Yes, you are running for your team, but the outcome of the race is entirely up to you and that is a lot of pressure. 

I know my friends and I won't finish first and we probably won't finish last.  Plus, it will be great experience once its all over.  I've also heard we get free food at the finish line so that provides even more motivation!

I'll be sure to check back in with the race results next week, so wish me (us) luck!


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