Bring back 80's movies

Why can't they make good romantic comedies like they did in the 1980's?  I'm sitting here watching "Pretty Woman," one of my favorite movies of all time, and I am thinking ... they just don't make movies like this anymore.

Sure, Gary Marshall has tried to recreate the magic of "Pretty Woman" with his recent movies like "Valentine's Day" and "New Year's Eve" but to no avail.  They are a parade of current stars, including Julia Roberts, that just don't give you that warm fuzzy feeling.  Nothing says unlikely love story like pairing a corporate big shot with a prostitute who just happens to have a heart of gold.  Underscore it with an amazing soundtrack and you've got one of the greatest movies of all time.

Last weekend we watched "Dirty Dancing," at the urging of my husband no less, and do you know why?  Because every girl in my second grade class can't be wrong.  This is a great movie ... end of discussion.  Another one of my favorites is "Overboard."  Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, hello?  I will stop whatever I am doing to sit down and watch that movie for the billionth time because it is pure 80's magic.  "Working Girl" starring an undeniably handsome Harrison Ford, and a skinny Alec Baldwin ... drool.  I blush every time Melanie Griffith says "I've got a head for business and a bod for sin."

The movies I have watched recently just don't get it.  They are all over the place.  The heroines are not endearing and the love stories are realistic.  Ummm, no.  I want my love stories to be incredibly fantastical and improbable.  Otherwise, I would just watch home videos or read my diary.

Give me Richard Gere rolling up in a limousine, blaring opera music and then climbing a fire escape with a bouquet of flowers clenched between his teeth.  What happens after the knight in shining armor rescues the princess?  She rescues him right back.

That's right, and nobody puts baby in the corner, either.  Nuff said.


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