Burgers in Texas
It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to ...
I know it's cliche to talk about New Year resolutions in my first post of 2013 but I actually have a relevant way to incorporate a resolution into this story.
Resolutions seem trite. Every year people make promises to themselves to live better, "give back" or "pay it forward" or join whatever cause is trendy. That is usually on December 31st before the ball drops. Then the first few days of January are great. We wake up early and go to the gym to exercise and shed those unwanted pounds. We balance our checkbooks every day and organize our bills. We say a friendly "hello" to everyone we meet. But as the month drags on, our resolve diminishes and so do our resolutions. By the time February rolls around, most people are revising their resolutions or just abandoning them all together. I think it is because they are realistic and not outlandish. Every year we promise ourselves that we will set our lives on the straight and narrow and it never really ends up working out. So why not set fun resolutions?
My resolution or goal is awesome and it was presented to me through the wonderful world of Twitter. For a while, I have known of a town in Texas that is the same as my last name -- Freer. Recently, I was followed on Twitter by the City Secretary of Freer, TX. I was amazed!
How did they find me? Unless I'm watching a live relief concert or the Grammys, I'm usually never tweeting. I immediately tweeted back "I've heard there is a Carolyn Street in Freer, TX. Is that true?"
I hate to call it a bucket list item because I don't like the term but I just had to know. I mean, doesn't everyone want to have a street named after them so that they can ultimately steal the sign and hang it in their room? Or is that just me and my juvenile friends? However, the answer I received soon after was even better!
What?!? As God (or any other omnipotent being) as my witness, I will travel to Freer, TX and walk down Carolyn Street to get a hamburger! I may also steal the street sign after my meal but that will probably be a spontaneous decision.
Who thinks this is the greatest New Year resolution of all time?
I know it's cliche to talk about New Year resolutions in my first post of 2013 but I actually have a relevant way to incorporate a resolution into this story.
Resolutions seem trite. Every year people make promises to themselves to live better, "give back" or "pay it forward" or join whatever cause is trendy. That is usually on December 31st before the ball drops. Then the first few days of January are great. We wake up early and go to the gym to exercise and shed those unwanted pounds. We balance our checkbooks every day and organize our bills. We say a friendly "hello" to everyone we meet. But as the month drags on, our resolve diminishes and so do our resolutions. By the time February rolls around, most people are revising their resolutions or just abandoning them all together. I think it is because they are realistic and not outlandish. Every year we promise ourselves that we will set our lives on the straight and narrow and it never really ends up working out. So why not set fun resolutions?
My resolution or goal is awesome and it was presented to me through the wonderful world of Twitter. For a while, I have known of a town in Texas that is the same as my last name -- Freer. Recently, I was followed on Twitter by the City Secretary of Freer, TX. I was amazed!
How did they find me? Unless I'm watching a live relief concert or the Grammys, I'm usually never tweeting. I immediately tweeted back "I've heard there is a Carolyn Street in Freer, TX. Is that true?"
I hate to call it a bucket list item because I don't like the term but I just had to know. I mean, doesn't everyone want to have a street named after them so that they can ultimately steal the sign and hang it in their room? Or is that just me and my juvenile friends? However, the answer I received soon after was even better!
What?!? As God (or any other omnipotent being) as my witness, I will travel to Freer, TX and walk down Carolyn Street to get a hamburger! I may also steal the street sign after my meal but that will probably be a spontaneous decision.
Who thinks this is the greatest New Year resolution of all time?
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