Black Friday Target
Maybe its because we're in a recession or maybe its because people on a whole have lost their damn minds, but this Black Friday and the days leading up to it felt like insanity. I know in the past there have been tramplings and shots fired outside stores, but for some reason this year felt crazier.
As I sat around the dinner table on Thanksgiving, my family talked about the hype, how you would have to be crazy to actually step foot in a store during the middle of the night. As my aunt put it: "they call these deals 'doorbusters' almost like they're advocating people to trample each other to get into the store."
We also talked about the commercials. One in particular ... the Target commercials with the crazy blond lady. When I first saw one of these ads, I realized the crazy blond lady is actually one of my favorite female comediennes, Maria Bamford. Take it from me, she's really funny and has a way of changing her persona and her voice instantly to portray a character.
I understand she's doing these commercials for the money and maybe, more importantly, the notoriety. However, after this, I might have to write her off. Oh Black Friday, you are officially a Grinch.
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